The quality of the result depends on the accuracy of the task.

However, when the order of a scale model, the person is often not easy to decide immediately what and how must be done by the contractor, to get the result that I would like to get.

As a result, is actually the effect on the imagination and feelings of the people, which is oriented layout.

And in order to realize this best way, requires experience and knowledge of human psychology.

Besides turning into a workshop for the manufacture of large-scale models, as to any other contractor, the customer is afraid to get into a situation where he may be imposed not adequate implementation of his plan, and implementation that best meets the plans, capabilities and features pricing model workshop.

In this article we will give a small amount of background information to the customer, if he has no experience, was able to more confidently address in the mock-up workshop to order a scale model.
1. If the scale model is required as a gift.

It is very important, where will be awarded a gift, to whom and under what circumstances.

If the layout is supposed to be present at the celebration of the human hand in hand, you should ensure that the scale model was not too heavy and bulky.

Charming gift scale model usually has a size HH mm need to be concerned about the fact that if the model is equipped with lighting, this lighting should work at the time of donation from the batteries.

Here it is important that all power shop scale model was reflected in a photograph taken at the time of delivery.

Finishing scale models made of oak will make the gift extra elegance.

The following photo shows the gift layout, finished in natural oak with the effect of aging and gold grout. The layout of the slurry in the workshop of Mattarozzi.Of the Russian Federation.


пример подарочного макета, отделанного натуральным дубом

And if the donee is a senior person or a rich person, then most likely he already has the things that have significant value and appearance. However, from my experience I can say that giving them such a status symbol, as a drop of the model, but still otdeleny natural oak, donee usually chooses for him a special place, Vidnoye.

This means that efforts to create a pleasant gift and the givers will be achieved in the best way.

If a scale model is expected to give not out of hand, but the place of delivery is the location of the donee, it is necessary to consider how after celebrations layout will be moved to it.

It is important that the size of the scale model was not wider doorways, and better to fit in a transport that can be controlled on its own. In other words, it is better that the layout was taken on their own than inexperienced movers on Tresca Gazelle.

However, it should be noted that the decision on the order of a scale model as a gift is one of the best solutions for celebrations.
2. If the scale model is required for exhibition

The first thing to consider is convenience for transportation of the scale model on the show.

Restriction on the size of the model will be such factors as the size of the Luggage in the plane, the size of the trunk in the car, the usual size of the areas, commissioned for the exhibition.

Of course, all of the above gets the value at the respective different situations circumstances.

For example, if the scale model is required for operational demonstrations and designed for frequent visits to exhibitions with the participation of a minimum number of people, then fit a small compact layout, made on the principle of "all in one".

The photograph shows one embodiment of such a large-scale model that is made in the mock-up workshop Mattarozzi.Of the Russian Federation.


Выставочный макет для быстрой транспортировки и демонстрации

This scale model is equipped with a portable lockable cases, which is simultaneously the table for scale models.

Inside the case during transport are the legs. They are easily inserted into the corresponding recesses and secured them with screws with the "sheep" so that from the moment of delivery of a scale model in place of the demonstration and to the demonstration takes place no more than five minutes.

Moreover, there is no need to look for an outlet and fiddle with the wires. Because the layout can be powered by batteries.

Large-scale model also features a remote control.

Clicking on the image, you can move to the section of our website to further familiarize yourself with the features of this scale model.

It is important to bear in mind that you need not to make mistakes when choosing such a quality production of a scale model, as the attractiveness and realism.

Judge for yourself, rasive people would consider a scale model if there are a couple of cubes and balls made of foam instead of trees?

How, then, can uninteresting scale model to attract interest in what it reflects?

Of course, no.

Here, as in painting.

To attract the attention of a large-scale model should be beautiful. Beautiful buildings should be beautiful layout as well as the elements of nature must captivate the eye.


Макет театра Романа Виктюка с красивыми деревьями

As a good work of art, just beautiful layout can truly fulfill the tasks which it has spawned.

Namely, the gift of the layout as I wanted, will enchant the donee and selling the model is not empty sham, and will sell.

This photo shows the layout of the building surrounded by realistic trees, which are manufactured in the workshop of Mattarozzi.Of the Russian Federation.

Thus, to order a layout, and be sure that it is the optimal solution cost and design, you only need a little to think, to create for themselves the questions. Then simply contact the experts of our model workshop.

We will find You the best solution based on Your gains and goals.

And find together with You the optimal size of the scale model and the best option for its equipment.


Sincerely, the staff of the workshop for making scale models of Mattarozzi.Of the Russian Federation.