Currently a huge number of sites telling about the mock-up workshops, where you can enjoy a scale model.
It would seem that the competition is doing its job, should increase quality, decrease cost scale model as an object of production.
This article deals with the disclosure of the reasons for the customer instead of improving their situation, only on the order often faced with the problem of choosing a capable Studio scale models.
And actually search the contractor's layout for the customer becomes a serious selection among dumping unsubstantiated promotional offers.
Often large-scale model is ordered, to be paid where there is cheaper and in the end perezakladyvatsja in another workshop at the expense of time and cost.
The fact that in the period informatsioonogo boom a huge number of sites (and on the Internet every day, according to statistics comes around 900 thousand !) in order to sell information to generate countless so-called business ideas.
One of these business ideas, which at first glance can bring easy money is to manufacture scale models.
The creation of such a myth promoted by a number of factors.
In the first place. Creating a site that tells the story of the mock-up workshop. Now create a site for anyone who wants will cost a maximum of $ 10,000.
Creating a portfolio will not be difficult, because on the Internet a huge number of "not signed" images layouts strangers workshops, often foreign. A huge number of photos of scale models is freely available in the Internet. They are easy to modify, make a montage and put it on your website, claiming it as their work.
At the same time to catch the attacker is extremely difficult.
A proven way to identify the authenticity of the works in the portfolio on the website is the obligatory presence of a watermark on all the photos of scale models.
Secondly to advertise the site is now not difficult. Yandex direct and Google Arwords provide free assistance in setting up contextual advertising.
You will only need to pay for clicks and website offering manufacturing scale model will be on view driving while existing model shop.
In third. To arrange a mock Studio, you really require minimum investments. However, as the enterprise there is a "turnover" and the mock-up business workshops are born and die by the hundreds.
It is one thing to organize and get one order and another thing to develop, and even simply to exist in conditions of severe competition. It can withstand vsilu most model shops who grew up on a wave of prototyping as a business idea.
A proven way to determine the current model production is the availability of updates in the portfolio and the emergence of new large-scale models.
To order a scale model should:
1. To select more than capable mock-up of workshops for the characteristics described above.
2. More or less clearly articulate its mission to manufacture scale model. The size, purpose, requirements for lighting and detail.
3. To conclude a contract for production of a scale model. To discuss delivery.
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